
滁州的土特产有哪些案 26May be a classmate ,a neighbor or a friend27Yes,they are28Because they can be learnt from29I should forgive them30Learn a lesson in life each day you live!

南京到苏州两日自驾游攻略案 根据文中句子意思可以判断出来应该选A,文中说的意思是你在想伤害一样有生命的东西的时候前提应该是这个东西是否先伤害了你,而B项说的是如果一个有生命的东西

风水函授班案 1.He saked Green to draw a TV. 2.He asked Green to color the TV .then. 3.He is drawing a Tv, and coloring it. 4.He said very good at last.


近来一周北京天气预报15天案 无人驾驶汽车的三种翻译 driverless/autonomous/self-driving vehicle 移动支付 mobile payments AI人工智能 artificial intelligence 希望能帮到你


波哥大天气案 1A as we all know众所周知 2.C世界第一长河——尼罗河(Nile) 尼罗河位于非洲东北部 3.B世界第二长河——亚马逊河 4.D比较级的表达, 5.B在许多方面

空调压缩机转转停停案 1.Because he wants to buy something to eat. 2.He is afraid that the train will be away before he comes back. 3.do not leave the station. 4.从1点58分到2点零2分 5.Yes,he does.

时尚行业发展前景案 1.a 2.?on 3.c 4.b 5.b


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